When you make the decision to become a freelancer, it can be liberating. Most people get excited about setting up their home office, and then they determine what they will charge and order some business cards. Getting set up is the easy part; next, you need to find clients. Fortunately, as long as you know how to find them, you should be able to bring in enough work. 

  1. Talk to People You Know

The first place to look for clients is among people you already know. Get in touch with family, friends, people you haven’t spoken to in a while, and let them know what you are doing. Your family and friends may need your help, and they can spread the word to people they know. This is the best way to get recommendations. 

You should also call people you have worked with in the past, including your old bosses. They already know you and can speak to your professional character and your work ethic. 

Finally, let anyone you come into contact with know what you are doing. This includes people who offer services, such as plumbers, technicians, hair stylists, and more. Ask everyone to recommend you because personal recommendations are the most likely way to find new clients. 

  1. Make Sure You Have a Portfolio

When you start out as a freelancer, you need to create a portfolio. You should have a link to it on your website so that potential clients can access it. You can also have hard copies in case you need to send them out. 

Include information about what you do, and keep copies of your best work. Be specific so that clients know your areas of expertise. If you are an expert in writing speeches, say it in your portfolio. You should also get some testimonials from past clients. Finally, make sure that your contact information is up to date so that it is easy for people to contact you. 

  1. Leverage Social Media

Prospective clients often search social media before they hire a freelancer. Make sure that your LinkedIn is updated, and you should post some of your work. Share your freelancing job on Facebook and share links to articles. Post on Instagram and Twitter, and do as much networking as you can.